Puyallup Valley Post 2224 celebrates Veterans Day with a program for the entire Puyallup and surrounding community.  Unlike our Memorial Day remembrance, the Veterans Day program is more of a celebration to honor all the men and women who served whether in combat or in support.  Whether in wartime or standing guard in peacetime.  We honor all services, including our Merchant Marines, Reserve units and National Guard.  We are all one and support and respect each other.

Our Veterans Day program at the Pavilion building in Pioneer Park is typically on the Sunday preceding the holiday.  The City of Puyallup provides the facility and the American Legion and the Fleet reserve unit of Puyallup participates to make it truly a community event put on by the community for the community.  The program always features quality music from bands and choirs within the community.  These range from professional bands and choirs to groups from colleges or school.  They are all quality and accomplished bands and choirs.  

Post 2224 also remembers our veterans in care facilities by visits and putting on mini-programs at their facilities.  We also visit local schools at their Veterans assemblies to visit with and educate students on why we feel that it is so important to continue to celebrate these holidays.